Sunday, November 7, 2010


Seriously, UNFRIEND HIM. Or at least hide his updates. He's not even your ex, why in the world do you torture yourself like this?!

Went back through the Genius of Crusie, and here be ideas for unsticking yourself:

Soundtracks. Maybe go with all 90s music to put you back in the head space of teenagerhood? Also, maybe you should listen all day so that your brain can simmer until writing time. HaHA! Mix tapes! I will make you mix tapes! I am good at procrastination.

Read Bird by Bird and Courage to Write. Especially Courage to Write. Neither one is available on Paperback Swap, but I am undaunted and still searching. Courage to Write is partly available on Google Books though.

Maybe you should take this in an entirely different direction. Maybe you should spend the month doing Girls in the Basement type things, and they will be your word count. This is how La Crusie writes. Maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't, but maybe it will keep you from beating yourself up so much. Ideas to let the Girls in the Basement out:

  • Collage. Dude, I will be ALL OVER Arts and Crafts Fun Timez. I love a good time with glue sticks.
  • You don't have to have an anal outline, but maybe you've gotten to the point in your process that you're looking for more direction. Maybe turning points will give you a general outline? She describes them as: "So it’s Act One, big surprise/turning point: Act Two bigger surprise/point of no return; Act Three, humongous surprise, trip to hell; Act Four." More detail here.
  • Character development: Answer these questions. Answers from La Crusie for one of her characters. (for realsies, at one point I printed that entry out and stuck it to my craft inspiration board because it sparked ideas for stuff I wanted to make.)

Writing styles issues. Maybe this way of doing things isn't working for you. Or maybe you are just having Doubts. I am telling you, La Crusie can do doubts like no one's business:

"I did 2358 words. They’re lousy words, but by God I wrote them."

"This is when I always have grave doubts about the whole writing thing, especially my writing. Seriously, this is lousy, lousy prose, but it’s always lousy in the beginning until I find the rhythm and the characters, until the words start to bounce. So tomorrow I’ll do better."

"That 2000 word a night thing does not work if the words aren’t in your brain. I reread those 2000+ words from last night. They stink on ice."

"I did another 1000 words. Yes, I know I’m behind. I told you I hate this... Some of us were just not born linear. Which is why we collaborate with people who were... I swear, it feels as though this story is lurking just out of reach of my frontal lobe. I know it’s out there, I can see it moving around in the darkness, and yet . . ."

In conclusion, more things to read NOW please.

1 comment:

  1. I have more for you to read! I have no idea where I'm going with this, but more words have I! Whee!

    Call me!
