Thursday, December 9, 2010

Part The Third, in which We Meet a Mysterious Stranger.

The man snatched his hat back from Amaryllis's grip in order to sweep it in a bow that seemed (to Hortense's eye) a trifle overdone. "Digby Peppercorn, at your service, gentle ladies. M'father, Sir Charles, lives over thereabouts. I say, I know this is all terribly improper, but might I have the honor knowing whom I'm addressing?"

Amaryllis flushed, dimpled, and curtsied. "I am Amaryllis Huntington, and this is my companion Hortense Worthing." He bowed again. "A pleasure to meet you, madam. Not to be forward, but should we take your worthy companion to shelter? Wouldn't want the chill to settle in her lungs, what?"

"Oh! Hortense, dear, we simply must remove up to the castle immediately! Think how horrid it would be if you take the ague! This way, come!" Amaryllis fluttered. Hortense rolled her eyes inwardly. Amaryllis had always enjoyed a dramatic fear of illness. "It's a perfectly warm day, Amaryllis. I would much rather go home and change into dry clothes."

"I say, it wouldn't be at all proper to enter that den of iniquity. It's m'cousin's, y'know, and he's not at all the thing. Chap is deuced queer in the attic. He's been away, doing who knows what over on the continent with those dashed Frogs - but he's back now, and gently bred unmarried ladies certainly shouldn't be in his company."

Hortense paused from wringing out her skirts. "Sir, we've been given to understand that our neighbors are not at home. Are you saying that this gentleman is in residence?"

"By golly, yes - just arrived. I was on my way up to see him, do the pretty on behalf of my family. Can't say as I enjoy it - fellow's some kind of brain, and it's dashed tedious trying to converse with him. D'you know, he had the temerity to suggest that my new waistcoat made me look a coxcomb?"

Eyeing the aggressively yellow garment, Hortense was inclined to agree with the unknown cousin. Just as she was about to suggest they leave, a movement up near the castle caught her eye. A tall, dark haired man stood near the front entrance. "Look," she said. "Is that your cousin there?"

"'Pon rep, it is! See here, come away. I'll escort you ladies home - I hate to be rag mannered and not introduce you, but the fellow's hardly fit for polite company."

"Oh my!" Squeaked Amaryllis. "I see what you mean - he's positively beastly, isn't he!" Hortense didn't think so - he seemed oddly familiar to her. She squinted, trying to get a better look, and felt the strangest sensation come over her. Her vision dimmed, and she swayed on her feet. She felt as though the greenery of the forest underbrush was before her eyes, and she felt almost as though someone was trying to push her away from the castle. She heard Amaryllis as though she was far away: "Hortense! Sir! Do catch her! Oh no, do be careful of your coat!" At the feel of a hand grasping her forearm, the mists cleared and she felt more secure on her feet.

She became aware the Mr. Peppercorn was speaking: "Come over all queer, did you? There there, ladies are delicate creatures. Let's get you home." He removed his handkerchief from her hand, and wrapped it around her arm, so he didn't have to dirty his hand while steadying her. Hortense felt dazed - what had just happened? Was she having visions, like Mad Mary down in the village?

"I told you Hortense, wet clothing is dangerous. You're a bluestocking type, you should know better. Oh dear, oh dear, I hope you don't bring disease into the house."

"Don't be silly, Amaryllis," Hortense mumbled. "I never get sick. I just had a... momentary chill. I can stand perfectly well on my own. You're right though, sir, let us return to the manor." While Mr. Peppercorn was taking up the reins of his horse so that he could walk beside them down the lane, Hortense couldn't resist glancing back towards the castle for one last look at the mysteriously familiar man. Strangely, he had disappeared as quickly and quietly as he had appeared. Troubled by vague premonitions, she slowly followed the sound of Amaryllis's chatter as the party set off.

1 comment:

  1. Pon rep.

    Pon. rep.

    PON REP!!!!


    From now on I shall try to work that into every conversation I have, even my work conference calls.

    Seriously, seriously funny. Digby might just turn out to be my favorite.

    Also, can't wait to meet Ollie! That little vision thing was COOL! She saw the green of the forest and he tried to push her AWAY!!! Diddun see VAT one tummin, as my Hamlet would say!!

    I shall get to work immejutly! (Or, more likely, tomorrow.) This is the best EVAH!
